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8 Workplace Safety Tips for Small Businesses and Startups

Workplace Safety TipsWhen it comes to running your business, there’s a lot to handle, so safety may not be the first thing that comes to mind. Employees want the security of a safe work environment and no company wants to be responsible for putting their employees at risk. Although you can’t prevent every accident from happening, here are some workplace safety tips to follow to minimize your risk at your workplace:

  • Design your workplace with safety in mind. If you are opening your own business, you should start planning for safety right away. Position machines, materials and storage in a way that emphasizes safety.
  • Encourage employees to keep their work station clean. Clean work areas are more productive and are also much safer. Not only should you lead by example and keep your work area clean, but also encourage your team members to be neat and tidy so that hazards are clearly visible. That way, as a company, you won’t have to worry as much about employee injury.
  • Make safety rules accessible and visible. Not only should your safety guidelines be in your employee handbook, but they should also be visible around your work place. Summarize your company’s safety rules in a concise list and post them in several places around your office as a reminder.
  • Get your team involved. Those who work at the office every day could have the most knowledge when it comes to safety concerns. Rather than relying on standards that may not be specific to your own needs, encourage input from staff and follow any suggestions. You should also encourage safety awareness so that everyone is mindful of rules and are aware of any potential dangers of the workplace.
  • Encourage open communication. Always give clear instructions and document any safety hazards that arise each day. Everyone should be encouraged to report concerns to supervisors, which helps with communication in the workplace.
  • Avoid shortcuts and unnecessary risks. According to Arbill, a leader in industrial safety products, a “get-it-done-quickly” attitude is the cause of many accidents. Despite how long it takes, encourage employees to follow proper procedures. Monitor your work place often so that you are aware of any safety concerns. Ensure that equipment and storage are used in a way that emphasizes safety.
  • Practice emergency preparedness. Not only should you train your team on safety when they first become part of your company, but also continue safety education training throughout the year. This helps employees familiarize themselves with procedures so that they can respond effectively in the event of an emergency.
  • Review guidelines each year. As your workplace evolves, your safety guidelines should as well. When you get new equipment, make sure that all employees are aware of safety concerns that may arise. Also, when new employees join your team, be sure that they are trained and are knowledgeable about the company’s safety rules.