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Joseph W. McCartin Insurance


By Auto Insurance, home
Hurricane season starts today. Belows are tips of what to do both prior and after the storm. Before a hurricane • Install hurricane shutters or precut 3/4" pieces of marine plywood for each window of your home. • Make trees more wind resistant by removing diseased or damaged limbs, then strategically removing branches so that wind can blow through. •…
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New Homeowner Checklist

By Buying a home, Home Insurance
Buying a house is a big decision and can definitely change your life. You get the advantages of living in a place that’s all your own, but there are so many new responsibilities that fall on your plate: mowing the lawn, painting the house, taking care of that washing machine yourself when it starts spraying water, rather than calling a…
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Human Happens

By Auto Insurance
You probably come to a full halt at stop signs, always use your turn signals and never speed through a yellow light. But even the best drivers all have one thing in common: we're all human, and humans make mistakes. Maybe you forgot to look both ways before making that right turn on red, or you were following the car…
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Top 5 Tornado Myths

By Spring, Summer
There has been a lot of info that has circulated over the years about things to do and not do in the event of a tornado, both in terms of safety as well as things to be on the lookout for. The truth is some of these things are in fact scientific truths whereas many more still remain a myth with no validity to…
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Best Job 2012: Insurance Agent

By Auto Insurance
As one of the Best Jobs of 2012, this profession should see significant growth over the next decade. By Philip Moeller February 27, 2012 The Rundown: Insurance agents must be licensed by the states in which they sell insurance products. They usually concentrate on a specific type of insurance, such as auto, home, life, or health insurance. There also is…
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Annuities for Any Budget

By Investment & Retirement
Some people think that annuities are expensive, that you need to have thousands of dollars in the bank to buy into an annuity. While there are some annuities that require a large single payment, Erie Insurance offers many other options that can fit into many budgets: Flexible Premium Deferred Annuity (FPDA): Think of the FPDA as the “pay as you go” model…
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Teens and Texting

By Auto Insurance, Teens
Admit it: putting your 16 year-old kid behind the wheel of a car is one of the most nerve-wracking things you can do as a parent. After all, you remember the first time he rode a tricycle—how can you let him steer a two-ton machine? Most kids do their best to stay safe when they’re driving, but some have a…
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