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Home Insurance

Do you know what kind of coverage you need for living in a condo?

By Condo insurance, Home Insurance
Find the Perfect Condo Coverage Whether you rent or own your condominium, is it properly protected from potential risks? You may think so, especially if your condo association appears to be highly organized, always keeping you informed of improvements to the facility and updating residents on the latest goings on. They must have your back when it comes to insuring…
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Tips to Prevent a Dryer Fire

By Dryer Fire, Home Insurance
The clothes dryer in your home is one of the major appliances that is typically well used and due to this, it is also one of those appliances that can lead to a serious disaster to Before you end up having this happen, there are 9 simple tips you can use to prevent the chance of this from occuring.
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Making sure your jewelry is covered

By Home Insurance, Homeowners
With today being Valentine's Day, many people may be giving and/or receiving new articles of jewelry...whether it be a new watch, necklace, ring, etc. But, does your current homeowners policy provide enough coverage? Quite possibly the answer is no. Most insurance policies provide dollar amount limitations on how much "automatic" coverage you have. Sometimes that amount can be as low…
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Stay warm even when the power goes out

By heat, Home Insurance
We all dislike it when we lose power at our home, and even our business. But it is even worse when it occurs during the cold winter months as no heat can lead to broken pipes, as well as being a health safety hazard. Check out the following tips from IBHS and stay safe and warm this winter.
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Lightning Coverage and Safety

By Business Insurance, Home Insurance
Damage caused by lightning, such as fire, is covered by standard homeowners and business insurance policies. Some home and business insurance policies provide coverage for power surges that are the direct result of lightning striking a home or business. There is also coverage for lightning damage under the comprehensive portion of an auto insurance policy. With the explosion in the…
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Rising Cost of Dog Bite Claims Shows Need for Umbrella Policies

By dogbites, Home Insurance
In 2011, $479 million in dog bite claims were paid by all insurance companies, up from $413 million in 2010, according to a recent study from the Insurance Information Institute.   For serious dog bites claims, trial lawyers are likely on the prowl, and many homeowners may find their liability limits are being maximized. Here is more information regarding dog…
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New Homeowner Checklist

By Buying a home, Home Insurance
Buying a house is a big decision and can definitely change your life. You get the advantages of living in a place that’s all your own, but there are so many new responsibilities that fall on your plate: mowing the lawn, painting the house, taking care of that washing machine yourself when it starts spraying water, rather than calling a…
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Daylight Savings Time Sets Off Spring Cleaning—and a Safety Check

By Daylight savings, Home Insurance
The catchy phrase “spring ahead” signals change for Americans. It’s a reminder to move clocks ahead one hour for daylight savings time. And it’s an optimistic forecast that warmer and sunnier weeks are ahead. With these seasonal changes, millions take on “spring cleaning” of homes, garages, and yards. When you’re longing to get outside in the spring months, consider several…
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